Issue 5 available on all platforms for just £2.99

For Our Horror Mag, Haunted:After Dark - Click here.

*** WINDOWS PC Flipbook Edition of Haunted #5 NOW AVAILABLE ***

We are pleased to announce that the WINDOWS PC ONLY Flipbook edition of Haunted Digital Magazine Issue 5 is now available. This experience is like reading a print magazine on your PC with zoom functions, bookmarks and click to the web ads and features.

In the issue we have a plethora of paranormal articles and features.

* Wickedpedia: Our tribute to James Herbert
* Karl's Korner: The Great Medium Swindle
* The Geneva Convention: The origins of the Frankenstein Story
* Ask Yvette: And she replies!
* Fred Batt: Beginners Guide to Witchcraft
* Ghosthunters: The Next Generation: with Carla Dady And much much more...

You will need to unzip the file when it downloads - it is a larger file (62mb) so allow the download to commence and complete before attempting to use. ENJOY!